Our next fundraising partner might look a little familiar to y’all! Rory has been around as a rep for FLAVNT for years and even serves as one of our rep captains, managing our rep teams. He’d actually never applied to our fundraising partnerships until now, and we couldn’t be more excited to help him reach his goal of raising $4000 for top surgery
1. Who are you? Name, pronouns, whatever else you want/are comfy sharing.
My name is Rory, I use he/him pronouns and identify as a Queer Transman.
2. What surgery are you fundraising for?
I am fundraising for my top surgery.
3. What’s your favorite FLAVNT product?
Do I have to choose just one?? I have to say currently its got to be the second generation baseball jersey, but if we are talking all time favorite the tombstone GRAD cutoff is at the top.
4. If you could have any superpower in the world, what would it be and why?
I have always been partial to Spiderman’s powers.
5. What’s your favorite animal?
I love ocean creatures, top of the list would have to be sharks and whales.
6. If they made a movie about your life, who would play you and why?
If there was a movie about my life I would want to have a little known transgender man play the role of me. I feel like they would better be able to relate to my experience and gain notoriety
7. Coffee or tea?
8. What do you like to do in your spare time?
In the little spare time I have I like to hang out with my girlfriend and our many fur babies.
9. Where is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation would have to be to the Caribbean and to stay in a glass-bottom Bungalow.
10. What’s your favorite memory?
My favorite memory would have to be my 25th birthday where my girlfriend took me to dinner at a fancy restaurant on the ocean at sunset. We saw dolphins jumping and I had the best steak I have ever tasted.
11. What are you looking forward to most when things “go back to normal”?
I am looking forward to being able to go out to fun sit down dinners and tasty drinks.
12. What’s one thing you love about yourself?
I love how resilient I am while somehow still keeping my heart tender.
13. Who is your idol and why?
I would have to say Andrea Gibson for sure. They saved my life countless times with their amazing poetry. They just have a way of speaking the words I feel in my soul. I have been a fan for 13 years and have two tattoos of their work.
14. Why did you apply with FLAVNT?
I applied to Flavnt because I have been an enthusiastic supporter since 2015. When they started the rep program I jumped on the opportunity to be apart of the team and when presented with the chance to be a rep team captain I couldn’t say no.
15. If you had the chance to meet anyone, dead or alive, who would you want to meet?
I would want to meet Marsh P. Johnson. I feel like that would be an invaluable opportunity to learn about the struggles of the generation that made my life as it is possible.
16. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a boy. As for professionally, I wanted to be a veterinarian
17. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
I’m more of an ambivert, it really depends on who I am with and the energy I’m feeling in the situation.
18. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
While I prefer the affection of a dog there is something satisfying about when a cat chooses to let you love them. But for real I love animals of all varieties.
19. Anything else?
I feel incredibly lucky to be chosen to be the next fundraising partner. Getting top surgery has felt so out of reach for so long that this feels unreal. I can not wait to be able to feel at home in my body.