Transgender Day of Remembrance, or TDOR, falls on November 20th every single year. This day is meant to memorialize those we have lost in the community, especially our trans siblings lost at the hands of violence and transphobia.
According to data gathered by TMM (Trans Murder Monitoring) at least 350 transgender and gender non-conforming folks were murdered in 2020 worldwide.
Additional data from TMM shows:
There was 6% increase in these deaths since 2019
98% of those murdered globally were trans women or trans feminine folks
62% of murdered trans people were sex workers
POC make up 79% of the 28 trans people murdered in the US
38% of the murders took place on the street while 22% happened in their own home
The average age of those murdered is 31 years old; the youngest reported was 15 years old.
These are grim statistics, and this is a highly triggering topic, but it’s one that is a very real fear for many trans people who face violence and discrimination on a regular basis. Numbers like these are disproportionate for the size of the trans population in relation to the number of cis people who cohabitate the world with us — and the amount of people of color affected by this deadly trend is unacceptable. Especially when every year the numbers keep climbing. Each TDOR since 2013 we’ve been able to say that more trans people were killed this year than last — that has to stop.
Equipping ourselves with knowledge of our rights, how to keep ourselves most safe, and knowing what exactly we are up against is what can help make for a safer future. There is so much to be dismantled, this violence is rooted in transphobia (and homophobia), yes, but it is greatly perpetuated by systemic racism, misogyny (transmisogyny specifically), amongst other systems of oppression very much alive and well in our society today. The folks who live at the intersection of homophobia, tranpshobia, and racism are those most greatly at risk to experience hate crimes — it is reported that 1 in 4 trans people will experience a hate crime in their lifetime.
In addition to fear being at the base of this violence, the systems in place in our country (and around the world) were not created with our safety in mind. Did you know that in the United States it is still legal in 39 amount of states to use the “LGBTQIA+ Panic Defense” in a court of law to justify an act of violence or murder? Only 11 states currently have laws banning the use of this type of justification for what are absolutely hate crimes. (This is not to say that an LGBTQIA Panic Defense, formerly the “Gay/trans Panic Defense”, would prove to be successful on trial but the fact that this type of defense exists in 2020, let alone at all, is pretty devastating).
As of September 30th 2020, 28 trans people in the United States were reported as having lost their lives to violence — their names are listed below, let us take a moment to honor them and remember them with love and reverence while vowing to try to make a better world for the transgender community moving forward.
Dustin Parker, McAlester, OK
Alexa Neulisa Luciano Ruiz, Toa Baja, Puerto Rico
Yampi MĂ©ndez Arocho, Moca, Puerto Rico
Monica Diamond, Charlotte, NC
Lexi, New York, NY
Johanna Metzger, Baltimore, MD
PenĂ©lope DĂaz RamĂrez, Bayamon, Puerto Rico
Layla Pelaez Sánchez, Puerto Rico
Serena Angelique Velázquez Ramos, Puerto Rico
Nina Pop, Sikeston, MO
Helle Jae O’Regan, San Antonio, TX
Tony McDade, Tallahassee, FL
Dominique "Rem'mie" Fells, Philadelphia, PA
Riah Milton, Liberty Township, OH
Jayne Thompson, Mesa County, CO
Selena Reyes Hernandez, Chicago, IL
Brayla Stone, Sherwood, AR
Merci Mack, Dallas, TX
Shaki Peters, Amite City, LA
Bree “Nuk” Black, Pompano Beach, FL
Summer Taylor, Seattle, WA
Draya McCarty, Baton Rouge, LA
Tatiana Hall, Philadelphia, PA
Marilyn Cazares, Brawley, CA
Tiffany Harris, The Bronx, NY
Queasha D. Hardy, Baton Rouge, LA
Brian "Egypt" Powers, Akron, OH
Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears, Portland, OR
We know that this day can be grim, and that these statistics are discouraging and might make one’s faith in humanity lessen — but we hope that TDOR also serves as a reminder of the strength and resilience within this community. We hope that our allies speak up and show up. That those who can be safely visible flaunt that visibility today for those who can’t. And we hope that next year the list of names hasn’t grown.
We personally also like to use TDOR as a day to not only reflect but to remember the good things that the trans community and trans individuals have accomplished in the past year. Celebrating trans joy to help counteract some of the grief is an absolute necessity. This past year we saw so much more trans representation in general and in media. Our forever homework assignment for those of you have not seen it yet is to go watch the documentary Disclosure on Netflix.
Below are a list of statistics and educational articles for anyone who wants to read up on the issues affecting the trans community. As well as links to resources, brands, organizations and individuals putting in work for the trans community every day.
Trans Creators You Should Follow:
pinkmantaray (Schuyler Bailar)
alionsfear (Aydian Dowling)
Trans Brands You Should Buy From:
Organizations You Should Support/Donate To:
Resources cited in this blog: